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It's time to create the Journey
really matter
Improving the employee experience (EX) is a top priority for employers. But few have an integrated EX and business strategy to address the challenges of the new reality and the way work gets done post-pandemic.
Not being lonely
While facing a Journey
It's 2022. So many of us are on their own unique journeys towards health and wellness. Millions of people start different journeys every day.
Others are drowned into unexpected journeys that life has planned for them.
While information is all over, two main issues are measured as the deepest concerns among 70% of the digital consumers: feeling of loneliness, and information they can trust.
"Organizations that design an EX model that is both personalized and supported by digital experiences that augment flexibility create an enduring opportunity to attract, inspire, and keep the best talent. In a world in which so many people are reassessing why and where they work, EX is at the heart of how organizations set themselves apart"
McKinsey research shows that employees at leading EX companies are more inclined to surpass work expectations, having a 40 percent higher level of discretionary effort"
Not being lonely
While facing a Journey
What was the employee trying to do?
How was the employee feeling?
What were the barriers?
What were the supports (digital or human)?
How could the experience be improved?
The Journey
that matter
We see the dimensions of Wellness as anchors on the Emotional Timeline. Today an average user ("explorer"), will not limit himself to one or two dimensions. The young generation walks on the journey with multiple desires and needs from various sources (friends, family, community, experts, other users).
The dimensions of Wellness, are a good start to build activities and experiences.
Human dimensions on
The journey to Wellness
prepregnancy workplace emotional experience, during pregnancy and following maternity leave have been associated with guilt, anxiety, reduced organisational commitment
(Millward, 2006) and burnout (Watts,
2009) and may constitute breach of the psychological contract. The women in Millward’s (2006) qualitative study, for example, were excluded from long-term work
tasks and maternity leave arrangements during their pregnancy and, on their return to work, felt pressured to re-establish their commitment and ability to fulfil work responsibilities.
She may worry about her health and that of her baby, or about how she will be treated at work. You may worry about the impact that her pregnancy will have on the company.
Your support can help to make your employee’s pregnancy relaxed rather than stressful, which can have a significant impact on her health and that of her baby.
In turn, your company will benefit from a contented employee who is committed to her workplace and more likely to return after maternity leave, thus saving time and expense in recruiting and training new staff.
Emotional support
While pregnancy is not an illness, it is a time of major physical and emotional change. Stress can increase the incidence of high blood pressure as well as the risk of problems such as miscarriage, premature birth, low birth weight and other problems with the baby’s development.
As well as fulfilling your legal obligations, such as undertaking a risk assessment, it’s important to talk with your employee about how she’s coping at work and ask her how you can help support her.
Concerns your employee might have
Your employee may feel anxious about your reaction to her pregnancy and her position at work. Or she may feel uneasy about the pregnancy itself. Try to reassure her.
She may also worry about her colleagues and whether they will feel resentful about any changes to her workload due to her pregnancy. Communication with your whole team, including your pregnant employee, is key to promoting harmony and ensuring that everyone feels listened to and supported.
If your employee has a specific medical condition that needs close monitoring during pregnancy, this may cause her anxiety. As well as worrying about her baby’s health, she may need extra antenatal check-ups and might be anxious about taking extra time off work. It’s important to reassure her and treat anything she tells you confidentially.
Practical support
Everyone is different and every pregnancy is different. However, there are some issues that are common in pregnancy and if you can be supportive and work with your employee, the coming months are likely to be more pleasant for her and more productive for the company.
As your employee’s pregnancy progresses, her body will change in more ways than simply the size of her bump. Knowing about these changes will help you understand why it’s not a good idea for pregnant employees to work an extra-long day or operate heavy machinery in sweltering heat.
Supporting your pregnant employee
Supporting LGBTQ+ expanding their family
human-centric approach
What we call
Smart Apps & Super JOURNEYS
When we hear the mobile industry talking about "Intelligent Apps", we say yes BUT... Intelligence cannot remain artificial only. Emotional and Human aspects are the essential drives we're looking at.
Our Smart Apps, use real-time and historical data from different user interactions and various other sources to make suggestions and predictions. We're totally in for adaptive and personalized user experience, as long as AI is for people benefit. Our Super Journeys are made as one stop solutions persanal companions.
Data Driven
AI & MLR enabled -
User Adaptation
Predictive Action Oriented
Connected Care
Contextual & Relevant Content
User protection as first priority
Clean of Ads
Protected Data. Will never shared with 3rd parties
Safe community rules & Culture
Content monitoring
Updated tailored feed
Favorite Experts
Teams & Groups
Teachers & Mentors
Location based service
Online & Offline Events
Emotional Data Learning
Localized video content
time-lined educational
courses -
Moderated user generated content
High quality localized video content
time-lined educational doco-courses
Moderated user generated content
Music Clips, Doco's and Engaging Content Formats
Methodology. Sustainability. Scalability
The Emotional Timeline Technology
A native Emotional Timeline Technology to serve Millions of people and their Well-Being, in all their varieties. A safe space that reflects the values of our generation. Smart Companions to help people and families, empowered by their Employers and communities.
The application of EMT (Emotional Timeline) provides amazing benefits to users and generates unique engagement outcomes through real value.
While brands and healthcare providers are experienced contributors, it is the effective and valuable way to reach communities, build trust through contribution. cut marketing expenses and ineffective advertising while targeting the market on a precise timeline.
For corporates, It is the Employer Wellness Programs, becoming so significant for employee retention.
Creating an Employee Experience as Great As Your Customer Experience
There's a Power
Above every feature
Trust is a Priority
When the Product is a Human Journey