© 2035 by The Clinic. Powered and secured by Wix
The Power of
EMOTION Technology
Feel and share emotions with others leads to feelings of freedom, autonomous living and adaptive coping strategy with life. Sharing emotions increases our physical and mental well-being. It helps us understand how and why you feel as well as how to handle your emotions more effectively in the future.
Based on science, on empirical studies in the field of emotion and emotional intelligence. And take it one step further. to the areas that are most important to us. A Methodology that can serve immidietly our Well-Being.
A platform to power Inspiring & Emotional therapists, teachers, social entrepreneurs. Our guides, the "ENSPIRERS" With solutions for Businesses, providing efficient tools for decision making, group management, employee wellness.
A Technology for Good to support us on the most life's journey challenges. for the benefit of the people.
Data Driven
AI & MLR enabled -
User Adaptation
Predictive Action Oriented
Connected Care
Contextual & Relevant Content
User protection as first priority
Clean of Ads
Protected Data. Will never shared with 3rd parties
Safe community rules & Culture
Content monitoring
Updated tailored feed
Favorite Experts
Teams & Groups
Teachers & Mentors
Location based service
Online & Offline Events
Emotional Data Learning
Localized video content
time-lined educational
courses -
Moderated user generated content
High quality localized video content
time-lined educational doco-courses
Moderated user generated content
Music Clips, Doco's and Engaging Content Formats
When we hear the mobile industry talking about "Intelligent Apps", we say yes BUT... Intelligence cannot remain artificial only. Emotional and Human aspects are the essential drives we're looking at.
Our Smart Apps, use real-time and historical data from different user interactions and various other sources to make suggestions and predictions. We're totally in for adaptive and personalized user experience, as long as AI is for people benefit. Our Super Journeys are made as one stop solutions persanal companions.
From virtual and augmented reality to Merged Reality, the coming wellness metaverse is an amazing opportunity to for smarter interactive journeys, while we keep a significant mission: keep it human with Emotion.
In Merged Reality
The natural expansion of the Journey